jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Coltan (or too known as columbite tantalite) is essential for the development of new technologies: mobile, computer manufacturing, video games, smart weapons, medicine (implants), aerospace ... This is due to their unique properties minerale is capable of withstanding very high temperatures, electric charge stored temporarily and release it when needed, high resistance to corrosion and general disturbance.
I'm going to let here a very interesting video about coltan, you maby dont undrerstand it because it is in spanish but nobody Upload Videos about coltan in english. Although this video talks about the changes that coltan has made in our live, and, in these video there's an interview of a great man that has writen a book about coltan. he talks about the wars in Congo, the reason of it, the properties of coltan...
 I leave this link:

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