miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013


such as computers, mobile phones… but there’s something we aren’t doing right, nothing can be so perfect …
There’s someone that takes coltan from the mines, a hole civilization is hurted, the Congo. Poor children that work in this mines, for a very little money a day although they nearly die trying to take coltan, a war because of this, blood for coltan, bleeding to have a computer, all that sadness for our comfort. That’s not fair, we should do something.
But… know what? When we are tired of our mobile phone, or a new one is in the shops, we throw it as trash. Know where that e-waste goes? To the Congo.
What can we do?
We can use our movile phones for useful things and then if we don’t want it anymore, we can lend it to someone, shouln’t throw as trash. We are selfish, not good. There’s a war because of this, because our comfort, and that should change.

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