jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

coltan war

Who benefits from this war? On the east bank of Lake Kivu extends Rwanda, a beautiful country of rolling hills and tea plantations, but so small that it is limited in its resources. It all started when the Tutsis regained power after the 1994 genocide committed by the Hutus. The latter took refuge in neighboring Congo fearing Tutsi retribution.
and All These to choose who is going to be the owner of the coltan mines
n the mountains Kakuzi Biega National Park, where Coltan is extracted has
also finished with the lives of hundreds of gorillas.
which are very important for the survival of this in danger of extinction ape. In addition to the declaration of National Park, was expelled
indigenous tribes leaving them to their fate. Children die of disease and malnutrition every day because they can not get a better equipped hospital. Thousands of civilians have fled into the jungle, where they face hunger and
diseases. In less than a decade is estimated to have killed four million people, mostly from hunger and disease caused by the conflict. It was the major killers war has generated since the second world war, a thousand deaths daily.
a living hell, a war for coltan.

here you have another video of some inhabitants of Congo talking about they opinion about coltan:
Coltan (or too known as columbite tantalite) is essential for the development of new technologies: mobile, computer manufacturing, video games, smart weapons, medicine (implants), aerospace ... This is due to their unique properties minerale is capable of withstanding very high temperatures, electric charge stored temporarily and release it when needed, high resistance to corrosion and general disturbance.
I'm going to let here a very interesting video about coltan, you maby dont undrerstand it because it is in spanish but nobody Upload Videos about coltan in english. Although this video talks about the changes that coltan has made in our live, and, in these video there's an interview of a great man that has writen a book about coltan. he talks about the wars in Congo, the reason of it, the properties of coltan...
 I leave this link:

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013


such as computers, mobile phones… but there’s something we aren’t doing right, nothing can be so perfect …
There’s someone that takes coltan from the mines, a hole civilization is hurted, the Congo. Poor children that work in this mines, for a very little money a day although they nearly die trying to take coltan, a war because of this, blood for coltan, bleeding to have a computer, all that sadness for our comfort. That’s not fair, we should do something.
But… know what? When we are tired of our mobile phone, or a new one is in the shops, we throw it as trash. Know where that e-waste goes? To the Congo.
What can we do?
We can use our movile phones for useful things and then if we don’t want it anymore, we can lend it to someone, shouln’t throw as trash. We are selfish, not good. There’s a war because of this, because our comfort, and that should change.

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

welcome to my new blog

hi there every one!
I've just created my new blog, I'm going to talk about coltan , I'm sure, most of you don't know what it is, but you can't live with out it.
coltan is a fantastic mineral that can support very big electric charges. that means... it is the mineral we use to create:

- smart phones
- computers
 - tablets...